

 We're saying goodbye to so many people. The semester is closing down and the Dirt Bags have thrown an end-of-the-year Woodkiln party. It's different this time around with Covid and social distincing. Things arent as close or momentus as they once were and it kind of makes everything happening seem a little dull and sad.  Sam and Marret are leaving soon and I want to wish them well on their journeys'. It's been really great getting to know them and hearing their opinions. I'm going to miss having them around but it's been a good time. Brian has suprised us with a Dirt Bags picnic table and I'm excited to have future lunches with the girls.  I don't have much to say. Everything is a little bitter-sweet at the momment. This group was a good one. Until we meet again

Picnic Island

I used to ride the bus to school everyday. The mornings were always a little chilly, and I was usually awake before the rest of the city. It would take me more than an hour to get to IUS which is only a 20 minute car ride. But that was okay. I always enjoyed listening to music or reading a book in that time, or sometimes I would even make conversation with the people getting on the bus with me.  In the dark mornings, alone, in my little seat by the window, I would fall asleep and wake up just before getting to school. I would always open my eyes just before passing Picnic Island. I never payed much attention to it before they cleared out the rest of the land, but after the other trees were gone and the land around picnic island was lower, thats all I cared to pay attention to. I dreamed of having lunch there and taking my friends out for dates to enjoy the magic of picnic island, but years later after she's been bulldozed, I think it's better that she only exists in my memory ...

Final Photos for HouseGuest

These photos were taken after setup in the space. setting up my piece didn't take very long but working with everyine in the class took some time. Install went great though. Everyone came out to help and it went over very smooth. I brought my son with me so, of course, he provided entertainment for us.  In this first photo you can see what I like to call sugar packets, more so resembeling sweet n' low. But others have told me that, in this context,resembles cocaine. For future installs of this piece, I'll have to make adjustments to that. In the second, you can see the inside of the coffee cup. Here I used plaster to fill the mug, and used a crylic ink and a clear two part epoxy set ontop of that. The colour on the rest of the pieces uses the same acrylic ink. The glass jug also has epoxy on it to resemble water drops.

Tuesday Morning Progress

Showing progress from our HouseGuest gallery show. Before applying paint and getting together finishing touches, this is what my detail shots looked like. The plan was to keep things at bisque temp. I just really enjoy the colour tones when this clay has been low fired. Looking back at this process, I've realized that I really miss doing sculptural work with clay. This is definitely something I want to get back into in the future.

Recipies for conceptial clay

 A conversation to myself about my struggles at the time and what I want out of life. If you can read what I have written, than be my guest, but if you're having a hardtime, than it wasn't meant for you. pic your clay Wedge 100 times write your letter wedge 100 times more put away to be used again later hopefully it turns into something more beautiful than before.

Today I feel like I'm dying

Its been 11 days since I've been out in the real world. I got trapped at the BLM farm with all the snow we had recently. It seems that even when I'm safe from outside forces and there are no white people in my vicinity, uneducated, reluctant individuals always seem to slip in and within the past few days the word nigger and its variations have been tossed around a lot. In some cases directed at me. "You're acting like niggas" "If you're comfortable you can say the "n" word" "I won't be put in a box by a bunch of niggots" "Bunch of nigger lovers" So yeah I'm tired of it. I'm tired of feeling attacked by a word so I wrote it on my forehead. Since I am one I might as well embrace it to its fullest.

Part 3

Just before the decision of Breonna Taylor's case I had gone out with my partner to get footage of the chaos. everything seemed pretty calm and we had gotten some pretty nice clips but unfortunately that night I was arrested and held at gun point.  20 cops showed up to detain us and that is not an exaggeration. The entire experience was unorganized and scary to say the least. The images from this case I have stuck on an SD somewhere but in the end I'm not sure that my quest for art was worth it but sparked a very large project afterwards. I will soon be having my first solo show at Hoba House galley on the 14 of November. My arrest and time spent in jail will help fuel this show in its entirety.    These are a few images from the gathering in early summer.