The only new thing in my life now is Gaze of Our Lives video lessons. (this is going to turn out to be a sponsored add) Are you doing horrible in the glazing studio? Have you ever taken a glaze calc class but still feel like you don't know anything about glaze? Have you ever thought to yourself "I wonder if it's a good idea to ingest this lead?" (It's not). If this sounds like you than do I have a product for yoooooooooooouuuuuuu~! Come on down and sign up for Glaze of Our lives: Understanding Glazes for the Beginner A new fun and informative way to learn about glazes, and if you've missed something you can always go back and re-watch it. All jokes aside though, as the one good thing to come out of the COVID-19 out break, I have the opportunity to watch and learn from Matt Katz as he goes through the basics of understanding glaze. If you ever have the opportunity to take these courses you 100% should.
Showing posts from April, 2020
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I'm getting bored and might be going crazy. Glaze of our lives has been a great workshop though, keeping me busy for at least one day of the week. Otherwise my life has become dull. luckily today I was able to chat with my ceramics group. It was good to catch up with them, but it's not the same as seeing them in person. I'm ready to get back to school and make something. At this point it could be the most technically challenging thing and I would still prefer it over spending everyday inside the house. But it'll be fine, as long as everyone stays safe and takes care of themselves we can get through this...right? My images from my zoom chat today won't upload, so here's a dog.
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I don't do well with blogs, but this is a new world that we're living in and it deserves some attention. COVID-19 has completely changed my world. The last time I was at school I had my the opening reception to my Spacelab show and hardly anyone came, the hallways were empty and the few that did show were all pretty somber. we were preparing for a temporary shut down so that the school may go through sterilization, but the time apart is now lasting much longer and classes have been out online for the rest of the semester. The quarantine has put me in a state of confusion, anxiety, and stress. I miss my friends and being at school. I miss being able to wake up and work with my hands in a proper studio. I miss being too busy to think because lately I've had too much time to overthink. I wanted to take this opportunity to sit down and have time alone to my thoughts, but at times it seems overwhelming. I'm hoping to have a break through before the end of this, or maybe this...