
Showing posts from October, 2020

Part 3

Just before the decision of Breonna Taylor's case I had gone out with my partner to get footage of the chaos. everything seemed pretty calm and we had gotten some pretty nice clips but unfortunately that night I was arrested and held at gun point.  20 cops showed up to detain us and that is not an exaggeration. The entire experience was unorganized and scary to say the least. The images from this case I have stuck on an SD somewhere but in the end I'm not sure that my quest for art was worth it but sparked a very large project afterwards. I will soon be having my first solo show at Hoba House galley on the 14 of November. My arrest and time spent in jail will help fuel this show in its entirety.    These are a few images from the gathering in early summer.

Part 2

While tensions were rising My friends and I were taking control and forming a small group to get together for safety during protests. Protesting was not the only form of participation though, and I quickly found myself in a position of creation and art. Our group was having meeting for the next big thing, often times including going to art builds or doing something art related independently, like making flyers or signs hung up in the city.  It wasn't all fun though. Protest were always a code Red action- meaning High risk, high stress situations. I tear gassed and hit with rubber bullets. You don't know the difference between a fake gun and real gun. When they're fired they sound the same. it hurts too. The only difference is that one has a lesser chance of killing you but that chance is never zero. Everyone left with bruises, and red watery eyes. I can't speak for anyone else but I left with heightened anxiety and PTSD. after protesting I couldn't handle 4th of Jul...

2020 is the worst year ever & why Part 1-

 I've been very absent from the beginning when it comes to participating in class and turning in school work. This is my sad attempt to keep up but more importantly it's a way for me to tell my story and get out there what needs to be said. I'm Bipolar I'm Bipolar and a Queer, Black, Mexican Woman living in America. I'm a Queer, Black, Mexican Woman living in America during a pandemic and it's election season.  This year Did start off amazing. I was flown out to New York by my aunt, and I was able to network and get in touch with a woman who held my pieces in her gallery. That was the first time my pieces had ever left the state. It was an exciting moment but everything went down hill from there.  Soon after the rise in covid cases spiked to a point that everything was immediately shut down and I lost my job (to which, I still do not have). Just after was the Death of Breonna Taylor in our own city of Louisville. And then after was the Death of George Floyd. Ma...